Setting your preferences in FlashFXP
Click Options at the top of the FlashFXP window
This tutorial assumes you already have FlashFXP and have it running on your computer, but not connected to another server
Now let's learn how to set preferences in FlashFXP
Then select Preferences
Click the Connection tab
This is the main preferences window, where there are several options to choose from
Keep in mind though, that most of these options are pre-set by FlashFXP, and do not need to be changed
Therefore, only change those options which you know are safe to change.... and we'll show you some of those now
If you wish, you can change the timeout, retry delay, and retry count settings here
Click the Options tab
Unless you really know what you're doing, there isn't anything you should change here
Click the Transfer tab
These settings are in place to help you avoid deleting files by accident, and should be left in the default settings
Select the Advanced tab
For the most part, the transfer mode should be left as auto, unless you've been given specific instructions to transfer files in either ACSII or Binary modes
Select the Sounds tab
You'll typically want to have show hidden files selected, so that you can see all files including .htaccess files
Select the Display tab
With FlashFXP you have the ability to assign sound effects to specific events
To do so, simply select the event you want to assign a sound to.....
Then locate a sound file on your computer..... that's it!
Click here
There are several display options you can choose that will customize the look and feel of FlashFXP to your liking
You can choose how to display files sizes as well
When finished, click OK
Select the View menu item
Then Options..
Click OK
Finally, you can change the entire look of your FlashFXP by modifying the colors
This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set your preferences in FlashFXP, and how to customize it's look to suit you
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