Uploading files using FlashFXP

Uploading Files using FlashFXP

Click the Sites menu

This tutorial assumes you already have FlashFXP and have it running on your computer, but not connected to another server

Now let's learn how to upload or transfer files from our computer to a remote server

Then select Site Manager..

Click the Close button

Before connecting to a remote server, we want to double check it's settings

This is the site we want to connect to

Once we're sure all the settings on the right are correct (ftp.demo1234.com, username and password).....

To establish a connection to a remote server, click this lightning bolt icon

Locate the site we want to connect to.... click Demo Webs

Then select demo1234.com website

Double Click the Demo Files folder to navigate to that location

Success! We've established a connection with the remote website at demo1234.com

This right window lists the files and folders on the remote server (or website)

While this left window lists the files and folders in our local computer

Select favorite.htm

Now all the files located inside the Demo Files folder are listed in this left window

Right click the file name

Then click Transfer in the drop down menu

That's it! The file favorite.htm has been uploaded to the remote server, and can now be seen here

Now let's create a new folder on the remote server.... right click anywhere in this right window

Then select the Make Folder option

Type the name of the new folder here

Then click OK

There's the new folder

Double click the new folder to navigate into it

Select index.htm

You can see here that we are now viewing the inside of the new folder, Test Folder

Now let's upload a file to this new folder.....

This is the transfer icon.... let's click it now

Instead of right clicking the file name, let's transfer the file by using the transfer icon.....

Now let's navigate back to the public_html folder

Click the Parent Directory icon

the file has been uploaded, and is now listed here in the remote server window

Now select several files to upload at once by clicking the first file, holding down the SHIFT, and the selecting the last file to be uploaded

Then click the transfer icon

Select a file to transfer

All 4 files have been uploaded, and are now listed here in the right window, the remote server contents window

We can also transfer files from the remote server, back to our computer

Then click this transfer icon

Click Overwrite

Since the file already exists at the destination, we have to confirm that we indeed want to transfer the file and overwrite the existing file

We've successfully transferred the file back to our computer

Now let's quickly learn how to change the permissions of a file on the server

Select the file we want to change the permissions (or attributes) of.....

Then right click the file name

Select the Attributes (CHMOD) option

Now change the permissions as per your requirements

When finished, click OK

To rename a folder, right click it.....

Notice the file permissions have been changed, and are displayed here

Then select Rename from the drop down menu

Enter the new name for the folder

When you're finished working and want to disconnect from the remote website or server.....

Click the disconnect icon here

The folder has been renamed

This is the end of the tutorial. You should now know how to establish an FTP connection with FlashFXP, and upload or transfer files to/from your computer

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