Configuring your website in FTP Voyager
This tutorial assumes you already have FTP Voyager and have it running on your computer, but not connected to another server
Click the File menu here
Now let's learn how to configure our website in FTP Voyager
Then click the Site Profile Manager link
Now click the New Folder icon here.....
The Site Profile Manager window opens
..... and enter a name for the new folder
With our new folder highlighted, click New Site
Enter a name for our new site
Now we must configure the properties of the new site we're setting up
Type the FTP address of the website here
Note: If the domain name has not yet propagated, you'll have to enter the website's IP address instead of the domain name
If entering the IP address, do not include ftp. before it..... just enter the IP address
Un-check the Anonymous Login box
Then enter the website's FTP username and password in the boxes here
Then click Connect
That's it! We've successfully configured the website by setting it up in our Site Profile Manager, and we've also established a connection
Click the Disconnect icon to close the connection
If you ever want to re-connect to that site, or setup and connect to a different site, click Connect
This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure a website in FTP Voyager, for the purposes of establishing an FTP connection
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