How to create a subdomain in Direct Admin
This demo assumes you've already logged in to Direct Admin
Now let's learn how to create a subdomain
Click the Subdomain Management link here
Enter the prefix of the new subdomain here
The is the subdomain page where you can setup and remove subdomains for your hosting account
Let's go ahead and create a new subdomain
Then click the Create button
To delete the subdomain, click this box here...
Success! The new subdoman has been created, and a folder of the same name has also been setup in your public_html directory... which is where you would upload your subdomain files
From this page, you can check your subdomain stats, and bandwidth usage, as well as view it's usage logs and error logs
... and click this box if you also want the newly created folder and it's contents removed...
Then click the Delete Selected button
The subdomain has been removed from the hosting account
Click the Home icon here
This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup new subdomains and view their usage stats, as well as how to remove subdomains from your account
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